API Reference
Delta Chat JSON-RPC high-level API
- class deltachat_rpc_client.Account(manager: DeltaChat, id: int)[source]
Delta Chat account.
- clone() Account [source]
Clone given account. This uses backup-transfer via iroh, i.e. the ‘Add second device’ feature.
- set_avatar(img_path: str | None = None) None [source]
Set self avatar.
Passing None will discard the currently set avatar.
- check_qr(qr)[source]
Parse QR code contents.
This function takes the raw text scanned and checks what can be done with it.
- create_contact(obj: int | str | Contact | Account, name: str | None = None) Contact [source]
Create a new Contact or return an existing one.
Calling this method will always result in the same underlying contact id. If there already is a Contact with that e-mail address, it is unblocked and its display name is updated if specified.
- Parameters:
obj – email-address, contact id or account.
name – (optional) display name for this contact.
- import_vcard(vcard: str) list[Contact] [source]
Import vCard.
Return created or modified contacts in the order they appear in vCard.
- get_contact_by_id(contact_id: int) Contact [source]
Return Contact instance for the given contact ID.
- get_contact_by_addr(address: str) Contact | None [source]
Check if an e-mail address belongs to a known and unblocked contact.
- get_blocked_contacts() list[AttrDict] [source]
Return a list with snapshots of all blocked contacts.
- get_chat_by_contact(contact: int | Contact) Chat | None [source]
Return 1:1 chat for a contact if it exists.
- get_contacts(query: str | None = None, with_self: bool = False, verified_only: bool = False, snapshot: bool = False) list[Contact] | list[AttrDict] [source]
Get a filtered list of contacts.
- Parameters:
query – if a string is specified, only return contacts whose name or e-mail matches query.
with_self – if True the self-contact is also included if it matches the query.
only_verified – if True only return verified contacts.
snapshot – If True return a list of contact snapshots instead of Contact instances.
- get_chatlist(query: str | None = None, contact: Contact | None = None, archived_only: bool = False, for_forwarding: bool = False, no_specials: bool = False, alldone_hint: bool = False, snapshot: bool = False) list[Chat] | list[AttrDict] [source]
Return list of chats.
- Parameters:
query – if a string is specified only chats matching this query are returned.
contact – if a contact is specified only chats including this contact are returned.
archived_only – if True only archived chats are returned.
for_forwarding – if True the chat list is sorted with “Saved messages” at the top and without “Device chat” and contact requests.
no_specials – if True archive link is not added to the list.
alldone_hint – if True the “all done hint” special chat will be added to the list as needed.
snapshot – If True return a list of chat snapshots instead of Chat instances.
- create_group(name: str, protect: bool = False) Chat [source]
Create a new group chat.
After creation, the group has only self-contact as member and is in unpromoted state.
- secure_join(qrdata: str) Chat [source]
Continue a Setup-Contact or Verified-Group-Invite protocol started on another device.
The function returns immediately and the handshake runs in background, sending and receiving several messages. Subsequent calls of secure_join() will abort previous, unfinished handshakes. See https://securejoin.delta.chat/ for protocol details.
- Parameters:
qrdata – The text of the scanned QR code.
- get_qr_code() str [source]
Get Setup-Contact QR Code text.
This data needs to be transferred to another Delta Chat account in a second channel, typically used by mobiles with QRcode-show + scan UX.
- get_fresh_messages() list[Message] [source]
Return the list of fresh messages, newest messages first.
This call is intended for displaying notifications. If you are writing a bot, use get_fresh_messages_in_arrival_order() instead, to process oldest messages first.
- wait_for_incoming_msg()[source]
Wait for incoming message and return it.
Consumes all events before the next incoming message event.
- class deltachat_rpc_client.AttrDict(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Dictionary that allows accessing values using the “dot notation” as attributes.
- class deltachat_rpc_client.Bot(account: Account, hooks: Iterable[tuple[Callable, type | EventFilter]] | None = None, logger: logging.Logger | None = None)[source]
Simple bot implementation that listens to events of a single account.
- class deltachat_rpc_client.Chat(account: Account, id: int)[source]
Chat object which manages members and through which you can send and retrieve messages.
- delete() None [source]
Delete this chat and all its messages.
does not delete messages on server
the chat or contact is not blocked, new message will arrive
- mute(duration: int | None = None) None [source]
Mute this chat, if a duration is not provided the chat is muted forever.
- Parameters:
duration – mute duration from now in seconds. Must be greater than zero.
- set_ephemeral_timer(timer: int) None [source]
Set ephemeral timer of this chat in seconds.
0 means the timer is disabled, use 1 for immediate deletion.
- send_message(text: str | None = None, html: str | None = None, viewtype: ViewType | None = None, file: str | None = None, filename: str | None = None, location: tuple[float, float] | None = None, override_sender_name: str | None = None, quoted_msg: int | Message | None = None) Message [source]
Send a message and return the resulting Message instance.
- send_text(text: str) Message [source]
Send a text message and return the resulting Message instance.
- send_videochat_invitation() Message [source]
Send a videochat invitation and return the resulting Message instance.
- send_sticker(path: str) Message [source]
Send an sticker and return the resulting Message instance.
- set_draft(text: str | None = None, file: str | None = None, filename: str | None = None, quoted_msg: int | None = None, viewtype: str | None = None) None [source]
Set draft message.
- get_messages(info_only: bool = False, add_daymarker: bool = False) list[Message] [source]
get the list of messages in this chat.
- get_contacts() list[Contact] [source]
Get the contacts belonging to this chat.
For single/direct chats self-address is not included.
- set_image(path: str) None [source]
Set profile image of this chat.
- Parameters:
path – Full path of the image to use as the group image.
- class deltachat_rpc_client.Client(account: Account, hooks: Iterable[tuple[Callable, type | EventFilter]] | None = None, logger: logging.Logger | None = None)[source]
Simple Delta Chat client that listen to events of a single account.
- add_hook(hook: ~typing.Callable, event: type | ~deltachat_rpc_client.events.EventFilter = <class 'deltachat_rpc_client.events.RawEvent'>) None [source]
Register hook for the given event filter.
- class deltachat_rpc_client.Contact(account: Account, id: int)[source]
Contact API.
Essentially a wrapper for RPC, account ID and a contact ID.
- class deltachat_rpc_client.DeltaChat(rpc: Rpc)[source]
Delta Chat accounts manager. This is the root of the object oriented API.
- class deltachat_rpc_client.EventType(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]
Core event types
- class deltachat_rpc_client.Message(account: Account, id: int)[source]
Delta Chat Message object.
- class deltachat_rpc_client.SpecialContactId(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]