import argparse
import re
import sys
from threading import Thread
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
from .client import Client
from .events import EventFilter
def _camel_to_snake(name: str) -> str:
name = re.sub("(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)", r"\1_\2", name)
name = re.sub("__([A-Z])", r"_\1", name)
name = re.sub("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", name)
return name.lower()
def _to_attrdict(obj):
if isinstance(obj, AttrDict):
return obj
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return AttrDict(obj)
if isinstance(obj, list):
return [_to_attrdict(elem) for elem in obj]
return obj
class AttrDict(dict):
"""Dictionary that allows accessing values using the "dot notation" as attributes."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__({_camel_to_snake(key): _to_attrdict(value) for key, value in dict(*args, **kwargs).items()})
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr in self:
return self[attr]
raise AttributeError("Attribute not found: " + str(attr))
def __setattr__(self, attr, val):
if attr in self:
raise AttributeError("Attribute-style access is read only")
super().__setattr__(attr, val)
def run_client_cli(
hooks: Optional[Iterable[Tuple[Callable, Union[type, "EventFilter"]]]] = None,
argv: Optional[list] = None,
) -> None:
"""Run a simple command line app, using the given hooks.
Extra keyword arguments are passed to the internal Rpc object.
from .client import Client
_run_cli(Client, hooks, argv, **kwargs)
def run_bot_cli(
hooks: Optional[Iterable[Tuple[Callable, Union[type, "EventFilter"]]]] = None,
argv: Optional[list] = None,
) -> None:
"""Run a simple bot command line using the given hooks.
Extra keyword arguments are passed to the internal Rpc object.
from .client import Bot
_run_cli(Bot, hooks, argv, **kwargs)
def _run_cli(
client_type: Type["Client"],
hooks: Optional[Iterable[Tuple[Callable, Union[type, "EventFilter"]]]] = None,
argv: Optional[list] = None,
) -> None:
from .deltachat import DeltaChat
from .rpc import Rpc
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=argv[0] if argv else None)
help="accounts folder (default: current working directory)",
parser.add_argument("--email", action="store", help="email address")
parser.add_argument("--password", action="store", help="password")
args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
with Rpc(accounts_dir=args.accounts_dir, **kwargs) as rpc:
deltachat = DeltaChat(rpc)
core_version = (deltachat.get_system_info()).deltachat_core_version
accounts = deltachat.get_all_accounts()
account = accounts[0] if accounts else deltachat.add_account()
client = client_type(account, hooks)
client.logger.debug("Running deltachat core %s", core_version)
if not client.is_configured():
assert, "Account is not configured and email must be provided"
assert args.password, "Account is not configured and password must be provided"
configure_thread = Thread(
kwargs={"email":, "password": args.password},
def extract_addr(text: str) -> str:
"""extract email address from the given text."""
match = re.match(r".*\((.+@.+)\)", text)
if match:
text =
text = text.rstrip(".")
return text.strip()
def parse_system_image_changed(text: str) -> Optional[Tuple[str, bool]]:
"""return image changed/deleted info from parsing the given system message text."""
text = text.lower()
match = re.match(r"group image (changed|deleted) by (.+).", text)
if match:
action, actor = match.groups()
return (extract_addr(actor), action == "deleted")
return None
def parse_system_title_changed(text: str) -> Optional[Tuple[str, str]]:
text = text.lower()
match = re.match(r'group name changed from "(.+)" to ".+" by (.+).', text)
if match:
old_title, actor = match.groups()
return (extract_addr(actor), old_title)
return None
def parse_system_add_remove(text: str) -> Optional[Tuple[str, str, str]]:
"""return add/remove info from parsing the given system message text.
returns a (action, affected, actor) tuple.
# You removed member a@b.
# You added member a@b.
# Member Me (x@y) removed by a@b.
# Member x@y added by a@b
# Member With space ( removed by
# Member With space ( removed by Another member (",
# Group left by some one (
# Group left by
text = text.lower()
match = re.match(r"member (.+) (removed|added) by (.+)", text)
if match:
affected, action, actor = match.groups()
return action, extract_addr(affected), extract_addr(actor)
match = re.match(r"you (removed|added) member (.+)", text)
if match:
action, affected = match.groups()
return action, extract_addr(affected), "me"
if text.startswith("group left by "):
addr = extract_addr(text[13:])
if addr:
return "removed", addr, addr
return None
class futuremethod: # noqa: N801
"""Decorator for async methods."""
def __init__(self, func):
self._func = func
def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):
if instance is None:
return self
def future(*args):
generator = self._func(instance, *args)
res = next(generator)
def f():
except StopIteration as e:
return e.value
return f
def wrapper(*args):
f = future(*args)
return f()
wrapper.future = future
return wrapper