Source code for

"""Chat and Location related API."""

import calendar
import json
import mimetypes
import os
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from typing import Optional

from . import const
from .capi import ffi, lib
from .cutil import (
from .message import Message

[docs] class Chat: """Chat object which manages members and through which you can send and retrieve messages. You obtain instances of it through :class:`deltachat.account.Account`. """ def __init__(self, account, id: int) -> None: from .account import Account assert isinstance(account, Account), repr(account) self.account = account = id def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if other is None: return False return == getattr(other, "id", None) and self.account._dc_context == other.account._dc_context def __ne__(self, other) -> bool: return not self == other def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Chat id={} name={self.get_name()}>" @property def _dc_chat(self): return ffi.gc(lib.dc_get_chat(self.account._dc_context,, lib.dc_chat_unref)
[docs] def delete(self) -> None: """Delete this chat and all its messages. Note: - does not delete messages on server - the chat or contact is not blocked, new message will arrive """ lib.dc_delete_chat(self.account._dc_context,
[docs] def block(self) -> None: """Block this chat.""" lib.dc_block_chat(self.account._dc_context,
[docs] def accept(self) -> None: """Accept this contact request chat.""" lib.dc_accept_chat(self.account._dc_context,
# ------ chat status/metadata API ------------------------------
[docs] def is_group(self) -> bool: """Return True if this chat is a group chat. :returns: True if chat is a group-chat, False otherwise """ return lib.dc_chat_get_type(self._dc_chat) == const.DC_CHAT_TYPE_GROUP
[docs] def is_single(self) -> bool: """Return True if this chat is a single/direct chat, False otherwise.""" return lib.dc_chat_get_type(self._dc_chat) == const.DC_CHAT_TYPE_SINGLE
[docs] def is_mailinglist(self) -> bool: """Return True if this chat is a mailing list, False otherwise.""" return lib.dc_chat_get_type(self._dc_chat) == const.DC_CHAT_TYPE_MAILINGLIST
[docs] def is_broadcast(self) -> bool: """Return True if this chat is a broadcast list, False otherwise.""" return lib.dc_chat_get_type(self._dc_chat) == const.DC_CHAT_TYPE_BROADCAST
[docs] def is_multiuser(self) -> bool: """Return True if this chat is a multi-user chat (group, mailing list or broadcast), False otherwise.""" return lib.dc_chat_get_type(self._dc_chat) in ( const.DC_CHAT_TYPE_GROUP, const.DC_CHAT_TYPE_MAILINGLIST, const.DC_CHAT_TYPE_BROADCAST, )
[docs] def is_self_talk(self) -> bool: """Return True if this chat is the self-chat (a.k.a. "Saved Messages"), False otherwise.""" return bool(lib.dc_chat_is_self_talk(self._dc_chat))
[docs] def is_device_talk(self) -> bool: """Returns True if this chat is the "Device Messages" chat, False otherwise.""" return bool(lib.dc_chat_is_device_talk(self._dc_chat))
[docs] def is_muted(self) -> bool: """return true if this chat is muted. :returns: True if chat is muted, False otherwise. """ return bool(lib.dc_chat_is_muted(self._dc_chat))
[docs] def is_pinned(self) -> bool: """Return True if this chat is pinned, False otherwise.""" return lib.dc_chat_get_visibility(self._dc_chat) == const.DC_CHAT_VISIBILITY_PINNED
[docs] def is_archived(self) -> bool: """Return True if this chat is archived, False otherwise. :returns: True if archived, False otherwise. """ return lib.dc_chat_get_visibility(self._dc_chat) == const.DC_CHAT_VISIBILITY_ARCHIVED
[docs] def is_contact_request(self) -> bool: """return True if this chat is a contact request chat. :returns: True if chat is a contact request chat, False otherwise. """ return bool(lib.dc_chat_is_contact_request(self._dc_chat))
[docs] def is_promoted(self) -> bool: """return True if this chat is promoted, i.e. the member contacts are aware of their membership, have been sent messages. :returns: True if chat is promoted, False otherwise. """ return not lib.dc_chat_is_unpromoted(self._dc_chat)
[docs] def can_send(self) -> bool: """Check if messages can be sent to a give chat. This is not true eg. for the contact requests or for the device-talk. :returns: True if the chat is writable, False otherwise """ return bool(lib.dc_chat_can_send(self._dc_chat))
[docs] def is_protected(self) -> bool: """return True if this chat is a protected chat. :returns: True if chat is protected, False otherwise. """ return bool(lib.dc_chat_is_protected(self._dc_chat))
[docs] def get_name(self) -> Optional[str]: """return name of this chat. :returns: unicode name """ return from_dc_charpointer(lib.dc_chat_get_name(self._dc_chat))
[docs] def set_name(self, name: str) -> bool: """set name of this chat. :param name: as a unicode string. :returns: True on success, False otherwise """ name_c = as_dc_charpointer(name) return bool(lib.dc_set_chat_name(self.account._dc_context,, name_c))
[docs] def get_color(self): """return the color of the chat. :returns: color as 0x00rrggbb. """ return lib.dc_chat_get_color(self._dc_chat)
[docs] def get_summary(self): """return dictionary with summary information.""" dc_res = lib.dc_chat_get_info_json(self.account._dc_context, s = from_dc_charpointer(dc_res) return json.loads(s)
[docs] def mute(self, duration: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """mutes the chat. :param duration: Number of seconds to mute the chat for. None to mute until unmuted again. :returns: None """ mute_duration = -1 if duration is None else duration ret = lib.dc_set_chat_mute_duration(self.account._dc_context,, mute_duration) if not bool(ret): raise ValueError("Call to dc_set_chat_mute_duration failed")
[docs] def unmute(self) -> None: """unmutes the chat. :returns: None """ ret = lib.dc_set_chat_mute_duration(self.account._dc_context,, 0) if not bool(ret): raise ValueError("Failed to unmute chat")
[docs] def pin(self) -> None: """Pin the chat.""" lib.dc_set_chat_visibility(self.account._dc_context,, const.DC_CHAT_VISIBILITY_PINNED)
[docs] def unpin(self) -> None: """Unpin the chat.""" if self.is_pinned(): lib.dc_set_chat_visibility(self.account._dc_context,, const.DC_CHAT_VISIBILITY_NORMAL)
[docs] def archive(self) -> None: """Archive the chat.""" lib.dc_set_chat_visibility(self.account._dc_context,, const.DC_CHAT_VISIBILITY_ARCHIVED)
[docs] def unarchive(self) -> None: """Unarchive the chat.""" if self.is_archived(): lib.dc_set_chat_visibility(self.account._dc_context,, const.DC_CHAT_VISIBILITY_NORMAL)
[docs] def get_mute_duration(self) -> int: """Returns the number of seconds until the mute of this chat is lifted. :param duration: :returns: Returns the number of seconds the chat is still muted for. (0 for not muted, -1 forever muted) """ return lib.dc_chat_get_remaining_mute_duration(self._dc_chat)
[docs] def get_ephemeral_timer(self) -> int: """get ephemeral timer. :returns: ephemeral timer value in seconds """ return lib.dc_get_chat_ephemeral_timer(self.account._dc_context,
[docs] def set_ephemeral_timer(self, timer: int) -> bool: """set ephemeral timer. :param: timer value in seconds :returns: True on success, False otherwise """ return bool(lib.dc_set_chat_ephemeral_timer(self.account._dc_context,, timer))
[docs] def get_type(self) -> int: """(deprecated) return type of this chat. :returns: one of const.DC_CHAT_TYPE_* """ return lib.dc_chat_get_type(self._dc_chat)
[docs] def get_encryption_info(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return encryption info for this chat. :returns: a string with encryption preferences of all chat members """ res = lib.dc_get_chat_encrinfo(self.account._dc_context, return from_dc_charpointer(res)
[docs] def get_join_qr(self) -> Optional[str]: """get/create Join-Group QR Code as ascii-string. this string needs to be transferred to another DC account in a second channel (typically used by mobiles with QRcode-show + scan UX) where account.join_with_qrcode(qr) needs to be called. """ res = lib.dc_get_securejoin_qr(self.account._dc_context, return from_dc_charpointer(res)
# ------ chat messaging API ------------------------------
[docs] def send_msg(self, msg: Message) -> Message: """send a message by using a ready Message object. :param msg: a :class:`deltachat.message.Message` instance previously returned by e.g. :meth:`deltachat.message.Message.new_empty` or :meth:`prepare_file`. :raises ValueError: if message can not be sent. :returns: a :class:`deltachat.message.Message` instance as sent out. This is the same object as was passed in, which has been modified with the new state of the core. """ if msg.is_out_preparing(): assert != 0 # get a fresh copy of dc_msg, the core needs it maybe_msg = Message.from_db(self.account, if maybe_msg is not None: msg = maybe_msg else: raise ValueError("message does not exist") sent_id = lib.dc_send_msg(self.account._dc_context,, msg._dc_msg) if sent_id == 0: raise ValueError("message could not be sent") # modify message in place to avoid bad state for the caller sent_msg = Message.from_db(self.account, sent_id) if sent_msg is None: raise ValueError("cannot load just sent message from the database") msg._dc_msg = sent_msg._dc_msg return msg
[docs] def send_text(self, text): """send a text message and return the resulting Message instance. :param msg: unicode text :raises ValueError: if message can not be send/chat does not exist. :returns: the resulting :class:`deltachat.message.Message` instance """ msg = as_dc_charpointer(text) msg_id = lib.dc_send_text_msg(self.account._dc_context,, msg) if msg_id == 0: raise ValueError("The message could not be sent. Does the chat exist?") return Message.from_db(self.account, msg_id)
[docs] def send_file(self, path, mime_type="application/octet-stream"): """send a file and return the resulting Message instance. :param path: path to the file. :param mime_type: the mime-type of this file, defaults to application/octet-stream. :raises ValueError: if message can not be send/chat does not exist. :returns: the resulting :class:`deltachat.message.Message` instance """ msg = Message.new_empty(self.account, view_type="file") msg.set_file(path, mime_type) sent_id = lib.dc_send_msg(self.account._dc_context,, msg._dc_msg) if sent_id == 0: raise ValueError("message could not be sent") return Message.from_db(self.account, sent_id)
[docs] def send_image(self, path): """send an image message and return the resulting Message instance. :param path: path to an image file. :raises ValueError: if message can not be send/chat does not exist. :returns: the resulting :class:`deltachat.message.Message` instance """ mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(path)[0] msg = Message.new_empty(self.account, view_type="image") msg.set_file(path, mime_type) sent_id = lib.dc_send_msg(self.account._dc_context,, msg._dc_msg) if sent_id == 0: raise ValueError("message could not be sent") return Message.from_db(self.account, sent_id)
[docs] def prepare_message(self, msg): """prepare a message for sending. :param msg: the message to be prepared. :returns: a :class:`deltachat.message.Message` instance. This is the same object that was passed in, which has been modified with the new state of the core. """ msg_id = lib.dc_prepare_msg(self.account._dc_context,, msg._dc_msg) if msg_id == 0: raise ValueError("message could not be prepared") # modify message in place to avoid bad state for the caller msg._dc_msg = Message.from_db(self.account, msg_id)._dc_msg return msg
[docs] def prepare_message_file(self, path, mime_type=None, view_type="file"): """prepare a message for sending and return the resulting Message instance. To actually send the message, call :meth:`send_prepared`. The file must be inside the blob directory. :param path: path to the file. :param mime_type: the mime-type of this file, defaults to auto-detection. :param view_type: "text", "image", "gif", "audio", "video", "file" :raises ValueError: if message can not be prepared/chat does not exist. :returns: the resulting :class:`Message` instance """ msg = Message.new_empty(self.account, view_type) msg.set_file(path, mime_type) return self.prepare_message(msg)
[docs] def send_prepared(self, message): """send a previously prepared message. :param message: a :class:`Message` instance previously returned by :meth:`prepare_file`. :raises ValueError: if message can not be sent. :returns: a :class:`deltachat.message.Message` instance as sent out. """ assert != 0 and message.is_out_preparing() # get a fresh copy of dc_msg, the core needs it msg = Message.from_db(self.account, # pass 0 as chat-id because core-docs say it's ok when out-preparing sent_id = lib.dc_send_msg(self.account._dc_context, 0, msg._dc_msg) if sent_id == 0: raise ValueError("message could not be sent") assert sent_id == # modify message in place to avoid bad state for the caller msg._dc_msg = Message.from_db(self.account, sent_id)._dc_msg
[docs] def set_draft(self, message): """set message as draft. :param message: a :class:`Message` instance :returns: None """ if message is None: lib.dc_set_draft(self.account._dc_context,, ffi.NULL) else: lib.dc_set_draft(self.account._dc_context,, message._dc_msg)
[docs] def get_draft(self): """get draft message for this chat. :param message: a :class:`Message` instance :returns: Message object or None (if no draft available) """ x = lib.dc_get_draft(self.account._dc_context, if x == ffi.NULL: return None dc_msg = ffi.gc(x, lib.dc_msg_unref) return Message(self.account, dc_msg)
[docs] def get_messages(self): """return list of messages in this chat. :returns: list of :class:`deltachat.message.Message` objects for this chat. """ dc_array = ffi.gc( lib.dc_get_chat_msgs(self.account._dc_context,, 0, 0), lib.dc_array_unref, ) return list(iter_array(dc_array, lambda x: Message.from_db(self.account, x)))
[docs] def count_fresh_messages(self): """return number of fresh messages in this chat. :returns: number of fresh messages """ return lib.dc_get_fresh_msg_cnt(self.account._dc_context,
[docs] def mark_noticed(self): """mark all messages in this chat as noticed. Noticed messages are no longer fresh. """ return lib.dc_marknoticed_chat(self.account._dc_context,
# ------ group management API ------------------------------
[docs] def add_contact(self, obj): """add a contact to this chat. :params obj: Contact, Account or e-mail address. :raises ValueError: if contact could not be added :returns: None """ contact = self.account.create_contact(obj) ret = lib.dc_add_contact_to_chat(self.account._dc_context,, if ret != 1: raise ValueError(f"could not add contact {contact!r} to chat") return contact
[docs] def remove_contact(self, obj): """remove a contact from this chat. :params obj: Contact, Account or e-mail address. :raises ValueError: if contact could not be removed :returns: None """ contact = self.account.get_contact(obj) ret = lib.dc_remove_contact_from_chat(self.account._dc_context,, if ret != 1: raise ValueError(f"could not remove contact {contact!r} from chat")
[docs] def get_contacts(self): """get all contacts for this chat. :returns: list of :class:`` objects for this chat. """ from .contact import Contact dc_array = ffi.gc( lib.dc_get_chat_contacts(self.account._dc_context,, lib.dc_array_unref, ) return list(iter_array(dc_array, lambda id: Contact(self.account, id)))
[docs] def num_contacts(self): """return number of contacts in this chat.""" dc_array = ffi.gc( lib.dc_get_chat_contacts(self.account._dc_context,, lib.dc_array_unref, ) return lib.dc_array_get_cnt(dc_array)
[docs] def set_profile_image(self, img_path): """Set group profile image. If the group is already promoted (any message was sent to the group), all group members are informed by a special status message that is sent automatically by this function. :params img_path: path to image object :raises ValueError: if profile image could not be set :returns: None """ assert os.path.exists(img_path), img_path p = as_dc_charpointer(img_path) res = lib.dc_set_chat_profile_image(self.account._dc_context,, p) if res != 1: raise ValueError(f"Setting Profile Image {p!r} failed")
[docs] def remove_profile_image(self): """remove group profile image. If the group is already promoted (any message was sent to the group), all group members are informed by a special status message that is sent automatically by this function. :raises ValueError: if profile image could not be reset :returns: None """ res = lib.dc_set_chat_profile_image(self.account._dc_context,, ffi.NULL) if res != 1: raise ValueError("Removing Profile Image failed")
[docs] def get_profile_image(self): """Get group profile image. For groups, this is the image set by any group member using set_chat_profile_image(). For normal chats, this is the image set by each remote user on their own using dc_set_config(context, "selfavatar", image). :returns: path to profile image, None if no profile image exists. """ dc_res = lib.dc_chat_get_profile_image(self._dc_chat) if dc_res == ffi.NULL: return None return from_dc_charpointer(dc_res)
# ------ location streaming API ------------------------------
[docs] def is_sending_locations(self) -> bool: """return True if this chat has location-sending enabled currently. :returns: True if location sending is enabled. """ return bool(lib.dc_is_sending_locations_to_chat(self.account._dc_context,
[docs] def enable_sending_locations(self, seconds) -> None: """enable sending locations for this chat. all subsequent messages will carry a location with them. """ lib.dc_send_locations_to_chat(self.account._dc_context,, seconds)
[docs] def get_locations(self, contact=None, timestamp_from=None, timestamp_to=None): """return list of locations for the given contact in the given timespan. :param contact: the contact for which locations shall be returned. :param timespan_from: a datetime object or None (indicating "since beginning") :param timespan_to: a datetime object or None (indicating up till now) :returns: list of :class:`` objects. """ time_from = 0 if timestamp_from is None else calendar.timegm(timestamp_from.utctimetuple()) time_to = 0 if timestamp_to is None else calendar.timegm(timestamp_to.utctimetuple()) contact_id = 0 if contact is None else dc_array = lib.dc_get_locations(self.account._dc_context,, contact_id, time_from, time_to) return [ Location( latitude=lib.dc_array_get_latitude(dc_array, i), longitude=lib.dc_array_get_longitude(dc_array, i), accuracy=lib.dc_array_get_accuracy(dc_array, i), timestamp=datetime.fromtimestamp(lib.dc_array_get_timestamp(dc_array, i), timezone.utc), marker=from_optional_dc_charpointer(lib.dc_array_get_marker(dc_array, i)), ) for i in range(lib.dc_array_get_cnt(dc_array)) ]
class Location: def __init__(self, latitude, longitude, accuracy, timestamp, marker) -> None: assert isinstance(timestamp, datetime) self.latitude = latitude self.longitude = longitude self.accuracy = accuracy self.timestamp = timestamp self.marker = marker def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__